For each learning goal, your skill level will be reported using the following rubric:
4 (Advanced). You have met the standards in an expert manner. Indicators include:
2 (Developing). You have not met the standards. Indicators include:
1 (Beginning). You have not met the standards. Indicators include:
0 = No Basis
I do not provide any responses for which a judgment can be made about my understanding.
- I understand the content/skills completely and can explain them in detail.
- I can explain/teach the skills to another student.
- I demonstrate high confidence on how to do the skills.
- I can have a conversation about the skills.
- I can independently demonstrate extensions of my knowledge.
- I can create analogies and/or find connections between different areas within the sciences or between science and other areas of study.
- My responses demonstrate in-depth understanding of main ideas and of related details.
- I can make accurate and error-free calculations to make accurate predictions.
- I understand the important things about the content/skills.
- I have confidence on how to do the skills on my own most of the time, but I need to continue practicing some parts that still give me problems.
- I need my handouts and notes once in a while.
- I am proficient at describing terms and independently connecting them with concepts.
- I understand not just the “what,” but can correctly explain the “how” and “why” of scientific processes.
- My responses demonstrate in-depth understanding of main ideas.
- I make fairly accurate predictions with small calculation errors.
2 (Developing). You have not met the standards. Indicators include:
- I have a general understanding of the content/skills, but I’m also confused about some important parts.
- I need some help from my teacher (one-on-one or small group) to do the skills correctly
- I do not feel confident enough to do the skills on my own
- I need my handouts and notebook most of the time.
- I can correctly identify concepts and/or define vocabulary; however I cannot not make connections among ideas and/or independently extend my own learning.
- My responses demonstrate basic understanding of some main ideas, but significant information is missing.
- I make calculation errors that come from conceptual misunderstanding, which make my predictions inaccurate.
1 (Beginning). You have not met the standards. Indicators include:
- I need lots of help from my teacher (one-on-one).
- I have low confidence on how to do the skills and need more instruction.
- I need my handouts and science notebook at all times.
- I do not understand the concept/skills.
- I cannot correctly identify concepts and/or define vocabulary.
- I cannot make connections among ideas or extend the information.
- My responses lack detail necessary to demonstrate basic understanding.
- I cannot demonstrate the connections between concepts and calculation.
0 = No Basis
I do not provide any responses for which a judgment can be made about my understanding.